I’ve had some recent troubles trying to upload a build in Xcode. These involved getting a really unhelpful error from Xcode: “No identities were available.” Unfortunately, I was stuck there for two days. It turns out that you can get Xcode to log more information on the handshake with the portal. Quit Xcode, then run… Continue reading Debugging app upload
Tag: xcode
On Frameworks
A coworker sent me a link to this posting on the state of libraries on iOS. I sent back a quick reply, with the intent to write a blog post on the subject later. I’ve since decided that this replay says almost everything I wanted to say, so I decided to just edit it a… Continue reading On Frameworks
Restart Xcode now
If you’re a heavy user of Xcode, you’ve probably had it go sideways on you. Thankfully, the crashes that plagued previous versions are mostly gone. But in its place are some awkward debugger connection failures, long delays and such. Here’s how I created a shortcut key to relaunch Xcode. You may find Programmer’s KillSwitch more… Continue reading Restart Xcode now
How to sync Xcode 4’s key bindings and code snippets
You can use Dropbox to synchronize Xcode 4’s key bindings, code snippets, named tabs, and font & color schemes. If you don’t have a Dropbox account yet, you can sign up here. The secret is symlinks. These are different from the aliases you can create in Finder, so you’ll need to do this in the… Continue reading How to sync Xcode 4’s key bindings and code snippets
Use a Build Phase to validate XML
My application includes some XML files that are used while running to map data from a web service. This has drastically simplified the code I needed to write to parse data from the web service, since I can describe how to decode all of the types of object the web service interacts with simply. If… Continue reading Use a Build Phase to validate XML
I’ve changed my mind about Xcode snapshots
In the recent past, I’ve mocked Xcode’s snapshots. They were sluggish and not especially reliable. I’d like to say they were inefficient, too, but the truth is that they were so slow and so unreliable I never bothered to find out. Recent versions of Xcode have been a lot better. I’m not sure when archives… Continue reading I’ve changed my mind about Xcode snapshots
An imaginary conversation with Xcode 4 regarding snapshots
Me: Yeah? Xcode: You want to enable snapshots yet?
Xcode tip: Renaming files shared by projects
What if you want to rename a file that’s used in multiple Xcode projects? Well, previously I’d rename the file in one project, then open each project in series and correct broken references. But I discovered today that this is unnecessary. If you open all of your projects first, Xcode will fix the references across… Continue reading Xcode tip: Renaming files shared by projects
Better Xcode warnings through .xcconfig files
Peter Hosey posted a list of warnings he turns on. Here’s the warnings I turn on. It’s mostly the same list. Rather than set these per project, I have a .xcconfig file I add to my project. I then base each build configuration off this file. Changing the .xcconfig file changes all projects based on… Continue reading Better Xcode warnings through .xcconfig files
The secret to enjoying Xcode
One of the things that made me like Xcode more and become more efficient with it is realizing that while all coders are insane, me and Xcode’s designers are insane in different ways.