Debugging app upload

I’ve had some recent troubles trying to upload a build in Xcode. These involved getting a really unhelpful error from Xcode: “No identities were available.” Unfortunately, I was stuck there for two days. It turns out that you can get Xcode to log more information on the handshake with the portal. Quit Xcode, then run… Continue reading Debugging app upload

On Frameworks

A coworker sent me a link to this posting on the state of libraries on iOS. I sent back a quick reply, with the intent to write a blog post on the subject later. I’ve since decided that this replay says almost everything I wanted to say, so I decided to just edit it a… Continue reading On Frameworks

Restart Xcode now

If you’re a heavy user of Xcode, you’ve probably had it go sideways on you. Thankfully, the crashes that plagued previous versions are mostly gone. But in its place are some awkward debugger connection failures, long delays and such. Here’s how I created a shortcut key to relaunch Xcode. You may find Programmer’s KillSwitch more… Continue reading Restart Xcode now

The secret to enjoying Xcode

One of the things that made me like Xcode more and become more efficient with it is realizing that while all coders are insane, me and Xcode’s designers are insane in different ways.